How can we, as psychotherapist, help our patients to repair in adult life, the failure of the experience of the transitional object "phase"
Seminar topics:
- Phase between the primary maternal form of attachment and Ego development
- The transitional object and importance of playing in childhood
- The importance of myths, fairy tales and imaginative techniques in emotional regulation.
Dr. Milvia Talamini is training supervising jungian analyst - member of Cipa - Iaap.
Training supervising teacher of Sandplay therapy - member of Aispt - Isst
She is training analyst abroad but mainly in Milan - Italy where she lives.
About this seminar:
In this Seminar I intend to put emphasis on a very delicate experience of the human being that was investigated by Winnicott who defined it “ Transitional object phase”.
I am referring to that passage that marks the exit from the maternal primary form of attachment towards the emergence of the first structure of the consciousness.
The effects of this experience determine the fundamental roots of the creativity that represents one of the main resources that the our mind can recover in times of psychic crisis.