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Deborah Bryon - July 15, 2024

Time and Trauma in Analytical Psychology and Psychotherapy

The Wisdom of Andean Shamanism By Deborah Bryon

Lionel Corbet - 18th of May 2024

Psychological, psychodynamic, and Jungian approaches to evil. 

Seminar topics:

This lecture will discuss the sources of evil both from the point of view of the individual's psychology and culture. We will compare traditional religious views of evil with psychological approaches. In particular, we will look at the developmental factors that predispose to evil behavior from the point of view of Jungian theory and psychoanalytic theory. We will discuss Jung’s notion of the dark side of the Self, or archetypal evil, and its relationship to the personal shadow. 

Keiron Le Grice - June 15th, 2024

Individuation, Ego-death, and Evolution

Seminar topics:

  • Phase between the primary maternal form of attachment and Ego development 
  • The transitional object and importance of playing in childhood
  • The importance of myths, fairy tales and imaginative techniques in emotional regulation.

Milvia Talamini - January 20, 2024

How can we, as psychotherapist, help our patients to repair in adult life, the failure of the experience of the transitional object "phase"

Seminar topics:

  • Phase between the primary maternal form of attachment and Ego development 
  • The transitional object and importance of playing in childhood
  • The importance of myths, fairy tales and imaginative techniques in emotional regulation.

Mihaela Minulescu - 9 decembrie 2023

Animal symbolism in dreams, active imagination, and mythology & the meaning of centering in the individuation process

Seminar topics:

  • Instinctive and archetypal meanings
  • Dreams, active imagination, and personal significance 
  • Focused on the individuation process

James Hollis - November 18, 2023

Is it possible to live your true life? Wounds of manhood and healing in therapy.

Seminar topics:

  • Dilema of men nowadays
  • Therapy and rites of passage in transformation
  • Therapy to heal the wounds

Lionel Corbett - September 16, 2023

"The manifestation of the sacred in therapy".

Seminar Topics:

  • How we experience sacred in therapy?
  • About “sacred and nouminos “ in Jung perspective
  • Contemplating beyound ordinary or the everyday ego

 Francesco Bisagni - February 25

 Hatred, adolescence and the paradoxes of growth

Seminar Topics:

  1. Understanding the mind of adolescent and how they experience Hate, Love and Knowledge using Bion models
  2. Exploring the way Jung articulates the coexistence of ‘good’ and ‘evil’, and the paradoxical nature of mental functioning in relation to the individuation process.
  3. Theory about adolescent mind, and its dramatic phenomenology using case examples from analytic work with a mid-adolescent female patient and a late-adolescent male patient.

Victor Rodrigues - January 28, 2023, 10 am -14 pm (Romanian time)

Adventures in deep mind

Seminar Topics:

  • Transpersonal Psychology and Regression Therapy: who, what, why, when, how, what for?
  • Consciousness modification as the key to deeper faster insights - and access to the unconscious)
  • How does fear kill the mind? (Check on what is going on globally). How does love to resurrect it? The damages to body and mind from lack of love and the healing power it actually has.

Martin Schmidt

6Sexual identities

Seminar Topics:

  • The centrality of sexuality in the formation of identity
  • The relationship between biological sex, gender identity and sexual orientation in clinical practice
  • Working in analysis with diverse sexual orientations and identities

Giuseppe M. Vadalà

Buddhism and Analytical Psychology - Solving Soul

Seminar Topics:

  • Introduction to the historical - critical study of Buddhism
  • Analytical technique and chán (zen) dialogue
  • How the two paths - psychoanalysis and chán dialogue - could help us in understanding the Ego / Self relationship and transformation.

Mihaela Minulescu - 10 Decembrie 2022

3Visionary Experiences of Individuation and The Self in Turbulent, Transitions Times
(Experiențe vizionare ale Individuării și Sinelui în vremuri tulburi, de tranziție)

Seminar Topics:

1.Analogies in Myth, Legends, and Healing Rituals
2.Spiritual emergency: The Inner Movement towards Reconnection 
3.Creative Integration of Meaningful Visions & Dreams.