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The Wisdom of Andean Shamanism By Deborah Bryon
Seminar topics:
This lecture will discuss the sources of evil both from the point of view of the individual's psychology and culture. We will compare traditional religious views of evil with psychological approaches. In particular, we will look at the developmental factors that predispose to evil behavior from the point of view of Jungian theory and psychoanalytic theory. We will discuss Jung’s notion of the dark side of the Self, or archetypal evil, and its relationship to the personal shadow.
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Hatred, adolescence and the paradoxes of growth
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6Sexual identities
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Buddhism and Analytical Psychology - Solving Soul
Seminar Topics:
3Visionary Experiences of Individuation and The Self in Turbulent, Transitions Times
(Experiențe vizionare ale Individuării și Sinelui în vremuri tulburi, de tranziție)
Seminar Topics:
1.Analogies in Myth, Legends, and Healing Rituals
2.Spiritual emergency: The Inner Movement towards Reconnection
3.Creative Integration of Meaningful Visions & Dreams.